Jun 28, 2016
The Creative Practice with Lisa Sonora Beam. We talk writing, dealing with creative cycles, and the inspiration behind writing her memoir, Sketchbooks: My Personal Creative Practice.
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Lisa Sonora is an American artist and creative entrepreneur living in Mexico, who wants to live in a world where following your heart’s desire is considered practical, and making a living from your gifts is a no-brainer.
Her first book, The Creative Entrepreneur: A DIY Guidebook to Making Business Ideas Real (Quarry, 2008) won two independent publisher awards and launched a movement that has helped thousands to make their creative business ideas real. The Creative Entrepreneur is used as a textbook in many business, entrepreneurship, and arts programs, including University of Madison School of Business.
As an artist and creativity and business consultant, Lisa’s work has been featured in Business Week, Entrepreneur Magazine, ABC News, San Francisco Chronicle, and in dozens of online venues.
In 2002, she founded a boutique marketing agency focused exclusively on green business initiatives and social justice in San Francisco. She’s designed and taught green and social marketing, and creativity and business curriculum for graduate business, and arts administration programs.
Lisa is a graduate of DePaul University’s School of Music, and has professional degrees in Music Therapy and an MBA from New College of California in Sustainable Enterprise.
A sought after facilitator, she’s led international creativity workshops on five continents for the past 20 years: at schools in Africa, inside tech companies, coach training programs, churches and zendos, and at retreat centers and universities. She trains others to lead creativity workshops in her Creative Journey Facilitator Training, and has a Creative Entrepreneur School in the works.
Her 30 Day Journal Project brings together a global audience twice a year to celebrate the power and magic of creative journaling.
When she’s not consulting or in the studio making stuff, you can find her journeying to foreign lands in search of textiles, trying to take better photos, and adding to her visual journal sketchbooks in cafes around the world.
Lisa lives in Oaxaca, Mexico with her partner Alex, where they host artist retreats and residencies. She blogs about her adventures as an expat artist at lisasonora.com. Lisa’s memoir, Sketchbooks: My Personal Creative Practice, is comprised of journals she kept during her move to Mexico.