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Oct 31, 2017

Big Love with Scott Stabile. In this week's edition of Tranquility du Jour, we discuss living with a wide-open heart, lessons learned from hosting the Happiness Challenge, and a few mishaps along the way. Prepare to laugh, nod in agreement, and be inspired.

Tranquility du Jour #408: Big Love

 Direct download: Tranquility du Jour #408: Big Love


Oct 17, 2017

The Writing Process with Kim Manganelli. In this week's edition of Tranquility du Jour, we chat about her journey to becoming a lit professor, her work with the Amherst Writers & Artists method, the creation of Wisteria (formerly Wildflower) writing workshops, plus writing struggles and advice.

Tranquility du Jour #407: The Writing Process with Kim Manganelli

 Direct download:

Oct 2, 2017

The Story Behind Shape Soiree with Kelly Kostecki and AnnMarie Grohs. In this week's edition of Tranquility du Jour, we chat about their inspiration to pull together a 3-day event in Richmond to shape lives, the importance of self-care, helpful tips and resources for finding balance.

Tranquility du Jour #406: The Story Behind Shape Soiree

 Direct download: Tranquility du...