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Jun 22, 2015

Bonjour. Welcome to the 340th edition of Tranquility du Jour with Shannon Ables. Be inspired by the simply luxurious life—a dash of style, minimalism, and mindfulness.



Screen Shot 2015-06-22 at 10.44.12 AMFeatured Guest: Shannon Ables is the founder and editor of the internationally enjoyed lifestyle blog The Simply Luxurious Life which...

Jun 8, 2015

Bonjour. Welcome to the 339th edition of Tranquility du Jour. Be inspired by the pursuit of fabulous, make an impact and learn how to describe what you do with flair.


Rebecca Rubin HeadshotFeatured Guest:
Rebecca Rubin is a marketing coach who helps women entrepreneurs to discover + express their inner fabulosity – so that their...