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Feb 22, 2016

My Old Dog: Rescued Pets with Remarkable Second Acts with Laura Coffey. Learn what's so special about senior dogs, how to help senior pets even if you can't adopt or foster, and why she's a fan of George Clooney.

Tranquility du Jour #364: My Old Dog


Featured Guest: Laura T. Coffey is a longtime writer, editor, and producer for, the website of...

Feb 8, 2016

The Writing Habit with Justine Kenin. Learn the best way to build a writing habit, how carrots and sticks help, plus prompts and books to get you going.

-Penning in Paris, writing group, daily time, prompts, lots of reading on writing

Tranquility du Jour #363: The Writing Habit


Featured Guest:


Justine Kenin is a producer for "All Things Considered."  She's...