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Aug 31, 2015

Bonjour. Welcome to the 347th edition of Tranquility du Jour: Secrets of Paris with Heather Stimmler-Hall. Hear stories from her journey to French citizenship, travel writing, and creation of Naughty Guides .


Featured Guest: Heather Stimmler-Hall

Heather-SHBorn just outside Philadelphia, Heather grew up in Scottsdale,...

Aug 24, 2015

Learn how to get out of a rut, stop holding yourself back, and focus on pleasure and self-compassion.



IMG_5093_2Featured Guest: Ellen Blaufox, LSW-R is the Founder of true edge workshop. She is an expert in her field with more than 20 years of professional, clinical experience. Ellen is the Clinical Director of the...

Aug 18, 2015

Bonjour. Welcome to the 345th edition of Tranquility du Jour: Meet Mookie with Tim Mooney. Follow along on our recent transition from losing Louis to welcoming our new pug Mookie into the family.


Direct download: Tranquility du Jour #345: Meet Mookie


Featured Guests: Moi + Tim Mooney + Mookie



Aug 10, 2015

Bonjour. Welcome to the 344th edition of Tranquility du Jour: A Scary Diagnosis with Sarah Evans. Be inspired by her story through breast cancer, the tools that helped her through the process, and how this diagnosis changed how she lives life.

Tranquility du Jour # 344: A Scary Diagnosis

Direct download: Tranquility du Jour # 344: A Scary Diagnosis


Aug 3, 2015

Bonjour. Welcome to the 343rd edition of Tranquility du Jour with Laura Vanderkam. Be inspired by her latest work, I Know How She Does It, and learn how to take charge of your time, make life easier, and nurture yourself in the process.



Featured Guest:

Laura Vanderkam is the author of I Know How...