Oct 31, 2017
Big Love with Scott Stabile. In this week's edition of Tranquility du Jour, we discuss living with a wide-open heart, lessons learned from hosting the Happiness Challenge, and a few mishaps along the way. Prepare to laugh, nod in agreement, and be inspired.
Direct download: Tranquility du Jour #408: Big Love
Writing Lab at Tranquil Space: November 10
TranquiliT Trunk Show at Tranquil Space: November 11 (1o-1)
Yoga + Mindfulness Mini Retreat in DC: December 31
Yoga, Mindfulness + Creativity in Costa Rica: February 17-24, 2018
Yoga + Art in West Virginia: June 1-3, 2018
Scott Stabile is the author of Big Love. His inspirational posts and videos have attracted a huge and devoted social media following, including over 350K Facebook fans and counting. A regular contributor to the Huffington Post, he lives in Michigan and conducts personal empowerment workshops around the world. Visit him online at www.scottstabile.com.
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