Sep 6, 2016
Clearing Emotional Clutter with Donald Altman. We talk about his journey from Buddhist monk to psychotherapist, how to stop riding the emotional elevator, and his definition of "inner-facebooking."
Direct download: Tranquility du Jour 378: Clearing Emotional Clutter
Share with me where you're listening from and what you're doing while listening. Laundry, commuting, gardening, running? Thank you for being part of Tranquility du Jour!
Fall TDJ Live + Daybook 5.0 Sneak Peek: September 22
Writing in the Woods: October 28-30 {5 spots left}
Hip Tranquil Chick 10-Year Online Celebration: December TBA
New Year's Eve Mini Retreat: December 31
Yoga, Creativity + Mindfulness in Costa Rica: February 18-25