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Dec 28, 2015

Year in Review musings by me. Hear the final essay of this year's 52 Weeks of Tranquility, reflections on 2015, and my biggest lesson learned this year.



Featured Guest

I'm a writer, therapist, designer of the eco-friendly TranquiliT lifestyle line, and founder of Tranquil Space—named among the top 25 yoga...

Dec 21, 2015

An interview with Dana Ellyn on Artistic Activism. Hear her transition from suburban wife to full-time artist, advice to aspiring artists, peek into her exhibit Speciesism, and learn the art history-inspired story behind my new pig painting.

Tranquility du Jour 359: Artistic Activism


Featured Guest


Dana Ellyn is a DC resident and full-time painter who...

Dec 14, 2015

An interview with Sara Avant Stover on The Heroine's Journey. Learn the one thing women can do to have the biggest impact on their happiness, how Pippi Longstocking has influenced Sara, and who SHE is.


Direct download: Tranquility du Jour #358: The Heroine's Journey

Featured Guest


Sara Avant Stover is a yoga...

Dec 7, 2015

An interview with Annie Mahon on Things I Did When I Was Hangry. Learn how to figure out what's eating you, evaluate your activities and habits, and have  a more peaceful relationship with food.



Featured Guest


Annie Mahon founded Circle Yoga in 2003 in order to bring mindfulness and yoga to people of all ages....

Nov 30, 2015

An interview with Elisha Goldstein on Uncovering Happiness. Learn how to release natural antidepressants in the brain and take back control of your mood, your mind, and your life.

Featured Guest

elisha-goldstein Uncovering Happiness
Elisha Goldstein, Ph.D. is co-founder of The Center for Mindful Living in West Los Angeles. He is a psychologist, speaker...