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Jun 28, 2021

In this week’s edition of Tranquility du Jour, I chat with best-selling author Belinda Alexandra about her new book The Divine Feline. Learn a bit about cat history, the magic of cats, how to communicate with your cat, cats and self-care, and more!

Direct download: Tranquility du Jour #547: The Divine Feline


Jun 21, 2021

In this week’s edition of Tranquility du Jour, I invite my partner Tim on the show to discuss our multi-week journey out west. Hear about our time among the redwoods, our traveling pugs, juggling work and life, camping with peonies, travel tips, and more.

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Jun 14, 2021

In this week’s edition of Tranquility du Jour, I chat with Naz Beheshti about her new book Pause. Breathe. Choose. Learn how to become the CEO of your own well-being, how mindfulness is the foundation of authentic self-discovery, how working for Steve Jobs influenced her, how to reframe the stress we experience,...

Jun 8, 2021

In this week’s edition of Tranquility du Jour, I invite my partner Tim on the show to discuss our multi-week journey out west. Hear about our engine issues on the back roads of Kansas during a torrential downpour, the "micro-camper" creation, our route, what I packed, and what's ahead.

Direct download: Tranquility du...