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Sep 25, 2022

In this week’s edition of Tranquility du Jour, I share insights into the Tranquility du Jour Tenets of style, compassion, wellness, mindfulness, and creativity, along with tips on ways to bring them into daily life.

Direct download: Tranquility du Jour #590: Living the TDJ Tenets

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TDJ Style Pop-Up: October 1
Fall Virtual Retreat: October 15
TDJ Lifestyle E-Course: October 16
Pet Loss Support Session: November 1
Hip Tranquil Chick Sweet 16: November 14
Holiday Pop-Up: December 12
Coterie Waitlist: Opens late 2022

Mentioned in the Show

TDJ Tenets
TDJ Lifestyle Virtual Course
HSP Test
How to Leave Podcast Review

Journal Prompts For the Above Worksheet:

1. How would living the TDJ Tenets make a difference in my life?
2. Which Tenet do I need most right now?
3. What are a few steps I could take to incorporate that Tenet in my week?
4. What would a more tranquil life look like to me?

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