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Sep 27, 2021

In this week’s edition of Tranquility du Jour, I chat with Jojo Newman, founder of Ballet With Jojo, Adult Ballet Collective, and Adult Ballet Club. We discuss benefits of ballet, living the ballet lifestyle, tips for getting onto pointe, and her beautiful social feeds.

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Jojo is the founder of Ballet With Jojo, Adult Ballet Collective, and Adult Ballet Club. Since starting ballet as an adult, Jojo has integrated ballet into her adult lifestyle and shares her journey through social media. As an adult ballerina herself, she brings a unique perspective into her coaching services and has coined the term "Adult Ballet Fairy Godmother". Jojo is dedicated to providing events and opportunities to the growing adult ballet community and is continually seeking further education in order to continue to grow on her own journey. Jojo embodies and embraces the adult ballet lifestyle and truly believes that ballet is for everyone that chooses to do it.


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Mentioned in the Podcast

A Peek into Paris blog post
Jojo's Tiny Home Ballet Studio Tour video

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