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Nov 30, 2020

In this week’s edition of Tranquility du Jour, I chat with Meg Nordmann about her new book Have Yourself a Minimalist Christmas. Learn ways to embrace minimalism this holiday season, tips on finding financial freedom, and ways to simplify despite the holiday hustle.

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Meg Nordmann is the author of “Have Yourself a Minimalist Christmas,” a new book that published on September 1st this year in print, ebook and audiobook formats and is intended to be read in the fall months in preparation for Christmas. Meg is also the mother of two messy little girls who were the catalyst for her becoming a minimalist, along with her goal to achieve financial independence in order to retire early. A former newspaper and magazine journalist and editor, Meg is now a full-time mother who writes, blogs and speaks about minimalism and creating the luxury of Time to pursue the things that matter the most to her. She recently launched a podcast on this topic, called “Journey to Freedom” that explores how minimalism and frugality can lead to financial freedom and time freedom. She’s excited to share her tips on how to have a simpler, less expensive and more intentional holiday this season. Find Meg at
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