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Jun 15, 2020

In this week’s edition of Tranquility du Jour, I chat with success coach Menellia Valcent on mindset, mindful spending, manifesting, and tools to help us grow.

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Guest: Menellia Valcent
Success Coach teaching and supporting women to unleash their full potential in their work, whilst cultivating a life filled with passion, pleasure & vibrant energy! She has spent the last 3 years working with & teaching thousands of global women how to shift their mindsets and lives post their quarter-life crisis. During that time she garnered publications & live interviews on platforms such as Jennifer Hardie’s Unstoppable podcast, Choice TV, Radio Caribbean International, Business Focus Magazine, Thrive Global and The Huffington Post to name a few.
Menellia has trained for a year in High-Performance Coaching & Strategy with Brendon Burchard, Online Business & Coaching through Sherina Mayani, Melanie Duncan & Gina Devee and is an avid joie de vivre enthusiast & student of Tonya Leigh’s lifestyle programs. Her approach to coaching is a mix of personal mastery, sensuality, self-care & life exploration. When she’s not writing or coaching, she spends her time indulging in french TV series, listening to café jazz or absorbing some style inspiration from bloggers. Her life slogan is to “be your own lifestyle connoisseur”! To grab a free gift from Menellia visit
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