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Dec 11, 2017

Meditation Retreat with Jennifer Howd. In this week's edition of Tranquility du Jour, Jennifer and I discuss silent meditation retreats—how to set up a home meditation retreat, what to bring to a group retreat, and why retreats serve as a "metaphysical tune-up."

Direct download: Tranquility du Jour #411: Meditation Retreat

Upcoming Events

Yoga + Mindfulness Mini Retreat in DC: December 31, 2017

Yoga, Mindfulness + Creativity in Costa Rica: February 17-24, 2018

Yoga + Art in West Virginia: June 1-3, 2018

Penning in Paris: July 23-27, 2018


Featured Guest: Jennifer Howd

Hi! My name is Jennifer. I’m an Author, a Developmental Editor, and a UCLA-Certified Mindfulness Facilitator.

I see your potential (even when you can’t). I believe in you (even when you don’t). I’m insatiably curious, and I like to ask questions—especially the big ones. Sunshine makes me happy. So does my family. I’m both a cat person AND a dog person. Hot pink is (obviously) my favorite color. I enjoy: writing, acting, drawing, making music, meditating, collaborating (and eating dark chocolate). And I spend a lot of time contemplating unquestioned answers. 

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