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May 30, 2017

Nourish 360 with Stephanie Horning. We discuss the importance of nourishment, self-care, and connection. Learn how to incorporate more wellness into your life, which nutrient-dense staples to have on hand, and why being bored is important.

Tranquility du Jour #397: Nourish 360


Direct download: Tranquility du Jour #397: Nourish 360


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Yoga and the Animals: June 24

Writing in the Woods in West Virginia: October 6-8

Yoga, Mindfulness + Creativity in Costa Rica: February 17-24

Yoga + Art in West Virginia: May, 2018 TBA

Featured guest:

Stephanie Horning is a certified holistic nutritionist, wellness coach,  and food developer. She recently launched her wellness site and brand Nourish 360 based on the three pillars of health and healing: nourishing the body, elevating self-care, and deepening connection. She also recently released her first e-book, "A Guided Journal For Your Day" to help and encourage men and women take time to strengthen their intuition and listen to the wisdom they hold.  She is passionate about well-being and helping others attain a happier, healthier, and more inspired state. She is proud to say she is a passionate mom, step-mom, and wife. She holds an undergraduate degree in Psychology from NYU, is a certified yoga teacher, and graduated from the Bauman School of Holistic Nutrition.


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